







想到另外一件類似的事情,但是結果卻是以完完全全不同的方式處理。前些陣子從網上看到PRO - Keds公司製作了年輕人喜愛的凱兹帆布鞋,鞋子上印了佛陀、菩薩、西藏國旗等圖騰,後來在網上討論的沸沸揚揚,該公司並不是惡意而且在不懂的情況下,以反映個人風格和創造力的作品,間接傷害了另外的文化時,立即做出果斷的解決方式--網路所販售該類設計的商品全面下架,且保證日後將緊密關注於設計的內容。其真誠的致歉,令人感到無比的欣慰。


A Letter from the President of Keds, Kristin Kohler Burrows

Keds 寫於 2010年6月14日 15:05

Over the weekend a post was made about our "Buddhist" shoes (Keds shoes utilizing the likeness of the Dalai Lama, as well as words from the Prayer of Compassion) and I want to respond regarding that post.

We sincerely apologize for any discomfort this situation may have caused to the international Buddhist community. These shoes are no longer available online.

It's important for the Buddhist community to understand that Keds did not design the styles in question nor were the shoes available for sale on any of our company's websites: keds.com or the Keds Collective (also at keds.com).

The PRO-Keds and Keds shoes -- with their blank canvas uppers -- are at the center of a new trend: sneaker customization. The styles in question were designed by other individuals using an independent third-party sneaker customization website called zazzle.com.

Zazzle.com is a separate ecommerce forum that utilizes PRO-Keds and Keds product to offer its sneaker customization capability, allowing individuals to create their own unique designs on sneaker products.

The sale and design content of the shoes available on zazzle.com is directly managed and controlled by zazzle.com, who is responsible for screening all designs submitted through zazzle.com for inappropriate content. However, as the product bears our mark, we do take responsibility for ensuring that our brand is represented in a way consistent with our brand values.

Upon receiving the post over the weekend, immediately on Monday morning, we contacted zazzle.com and requested that they immediately remove these shoes from their ecommerce site. I am pleased to report that the zazzle.com team responded quickly and complied fully with our request -- the products have been removed from their site and are no longer available for purchase.

In addition to ensuring these shoes are no longer for sale at zazzle.com, we are currently putting in place additional measures with zazzle.com to preclude any similar type of content from being placed on Keds or PRO-Keds branded shoes. While our partnership with zazzle.com presents a unique opportunity to build our brand and to reflect individual style and creativity, zazzle.com and Keds are ever mindful of the potential for some individuals to step beyond the bounds of appropriate creative expression. We are confident that the steps being taken will address this going forward.


Kristin Kohler Burrows





[1] 自由時報:『故宮西藏展 圖博之友斥為掠奪展』,2010/7/5
[2] 自由時報:『 稱西藏屬中國 流亡政府拒背書』,2010/7/5

